Business Impact - Do More

Business Impact

Measuring the right things

The 2015 CIPD learning and development survey highlighted that one in seven organisations do not evaluate the majority of their L&D initiatives – over a third limit their evaluations to the satisfaction of those that take part. One in five assesses the transfer of learning into the workplace and a small minority evaluate the wider impact on the business. 

The 3 Key Elements

Impact on the business cannot be understood without follow these 3 simple steps.



If it doesn't get measured, it doesn'y get done.

With her background as a financial adviser, Sophia Cameron has the knowledge needed to help her clients with any business-related issues. Since 2005 she has run her own consulting firm.



The more data the better

George Vernon is a certified life coach. He joined our company in 2015, where he has worked as a coaching specialist offering assistance in his clients’ private lives.



Has the learning had the desired effect.

Theresa Simmons is trained as an assistant and office administrator. She has worked for our office since 2014, where she manages our clients and provides assistance whenever they have problems.

L&D Strategy

The key to small business sustainability is to never stop learning. The most effective way to achieve this is with a Learning and Development strategy.

L&D Delivery

Ensure you have the right processes, procedures and technology in place to deliver the learning that staff need.

Let's talk

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How can I help?

Get in touch with me for a free 30 minute conversation about you business and it's Learning and Development evaluation or business impact needs.