Learning & Development 
The Hidden Business Powerhouse

Transform your business by delivering corporate level L&D on an SME budget.

A one-of-a-kind Learning and Development Implementation Consultancy.

There's more to L&D than  content.

Nutshell is a totally independent Learning & Development Implementation consultancy that is not tied to any vendors and does not apply a “one size fits all” approach.

I will help you to understand your business from a learning and development viewpoint to design and implement your learning strategy.

The better you understand your needs the better decisions can be made that more directly impact your business, your employees and enable more revenue generation. 

In fact, a recent study found that when companies offer comprehensive training programs, they have 218% higher income per employee than companies without formalized training.  These companies also enjoy a 24% higher profit margin.

L&D for SMEs

Your Learning & Development Partner

Why you need my help!

70% of employees report that they don’t have mastery of the skills needed to do their jobs.

Only 12% of employees apply new skills learned to their jobs.

Only 25% of respondents believe that training measurably improved performance.

Given these statistics, what is the total loss to business from no or ineffective training?  It's staggering: £9.3m per year, per 1,000 employees. That’s £930 per employee per year.

A full 40% of employees who don’t receive any or poor training to become effective will leave their positions within the first year, and nearly 7 out of 10 organisations report that staff turnover has the largest negative financial impact.

And if you think that recruitment is the answer: the average cost of replacing an employee is around £30,000, when you factor in loss in productivity before, during and after recruiting a new employee.

7 Reasons to work with me

1. Increasing engagement and productivity – If employees have the skills and knowledge for their job, they will be more engaged and productive, resulting in better processes, operations, product quality, and customer satisfaction.

2. Reducing the need for supervision – If employees are more productive and effective, you won’t always need to supervise them: you can reallocate your resources to areas where they’re needed.

3. Improving customer service and satisfaction – Happy employees make for happy customers.

4. Reducing absenteeism and promoting retention – When employees are engaged and satisfied with their job, they’re less likely to take days off or leave the company, resulting in lower recruitment and employee costs.

5. Supporting organisational innovation and dynamism – Professional development will encourage new ideas and develop new processes and approaches.

6. Maximising resources and inputs –Highly skilled employees can use the technology tools and infrastructure more effectively. This can result in less costly errors and improved product and service quality.

7. Achieving changing strategic goals in response to market conditions – With competent employees they have the skill set that’ll help your organisation to compete, scale up, and stay profitable in the long term.

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With a wealth of knowledge and experience in his kitbag, Les brings a thoughtful, wholesome and intelligent dimension to any project he applies himself to. He is both creative and thorough in his work - a rare and valuable combination. 
If you know what you want but not how to achieve it, Les is your man. When inspiration strikes, he will not be defeated by the "impossible" and nothing appears to be too hard to do as far as he is concerned. 
I have been fortunate to benefit from his efforts and have witnessed how his contributions have energised the teams he works with. A fabulous asset to any team or project, and a thoroughly decent person to boot.

LD - EMEA Head of Corporate Citizenship